Antler Velvet: People who need it

01/08/2014 13:56

Antler velvet food supplements

Antler velvet food supplements are capable of dishing out a lot of nutrients to the body. That stated, consuming one daily will certainly be beneficial to the body in the long run. Regardless of who you are and what your status in life is, taking it in surely increase your quality of life. However, there are certain groups of people who direly need to take it in, given that they may be doing strenuous day jobs and experiencing health conditions that could be fully eliminated by the supplement.  You never know – you might belong to these groups of people. Let's find out who these people are and the reasons why they might need it.

Athletes and Bodybuilders

Other than protein supplements, athletes and body builders need antler velvet because the nutrients that it provide are seemingly specially made for them. Although banned in some amateur and professional sports leagues, antler velvet supplements are guaranteed to enhance physical performance and hasten the recovery period for muscle trauma. The component in them that is does the job is the Insulin Growth Factor-1, also known as IGF-1 which works hand in hand with the Human Growth Hormone in repairing muscle tissue and increasing muscle mass. 

People with blue collar jobs

Regardless if a person is in the field of construction, engineering and law enforcement, anyone with job that requires strenuous physical activity should use antler velvet supplements. Why? Well, given that it increases athletic performance in athletes, it would certainly do the same to these types of people. Physically straining jobs will certainly wreak havoc on your muscles and make your tired pretty easily. The supplement negates these negative effects on the body.

Undernourished children

In the United States, there are little cases pertaining to undernourished children – in fact, the problem is that kids are getting fed with too much food, making them obese. In other countries where there is a food shortage however, the number of undernourished children is too much, which is why most of them suffer from stunted growth. Paired with ample food, antler velvet is able to eliminate this problem by providing their bodies with ample nutrition, as well as stimulate the growth hormones. It is also able to eradicate the effects of stunted growth.

Persons with osteoarthritis

Antler velvet has anti-inflammatory properties that is able to relieve the pain caused by osteoarthritis, a common degenerative condition of the joints, almost instantaneously. Although it is not considered as a cure for the said condition, it can relieve the swelling in the joints, as well as provide nutrition to the said areas of the body. Some companies even blend in glucosamine and chondroitin, naturally-occurring compounds in the body that contribute to joint health and growth. 
Overall, deer antler velvet supplements guarantee a high quality of life and avoid muscle wear and tear. Regardless if you are grouped with the above mentioned types of people, taking it in is still necessary given that it will surely help you out.